Get the Construction
Accounting Systems to Grow

We'll setup & serve as your outsourced accounting team & get you un-stuck with top-tier construction accounting systems.

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We provide the highest caliber construction bookkeeping services, accounting and taxes foe any sized contractor in the United States.

Certified Payroll

Certified Payroll Reporting requirements are complex! We can help you navigate the requirements and extend the power of Quickbooks to ensure those requirements are met.

Bond Readiness

Surety CFO can assist with the preparation of financial statements, forecasts and the necessary internal reports so you can obtain the greatest amount of credit available.

Small Businesses Deserve Systems Like the Big Contractors:

Establish a simple, valuable & integrated accounting system
We'll run full-charge bookkeeping & controller services
Create tight control for your business with work in progress & AIA
Accurately measure & manage with month end closure procedures
Dramatically improve surety bonding with our tailor made financial reporting packages & services
Streamlining for filings, reporting & management

We Build a Quickbooks Based Integrated System

We'll setup an integrated, easy-to-use system and then be your outsourced accountant.

Our system integrates & helps with:

- Eliminates duplicate data entry.
- Saves time with seamless integration with QuickBooks.
- Simplifies critical areas of your business - Equipment Tracking.
- Eliminate the possibility of transposition errors caused by manual data entry.
- Prepare accurate, professional documents in a short amount of time.
- Makes your job more efficient, faster, and easier!
We Setup Everything

Track Projects with Quickbooks Packages

We'll setup an integrated, easy-to-use system and then be your outsourced accountant.

Our system integrates & helps with:

- Entering Estimates
- Contractors payment applications (AIA Billing)
- Certified Payroll
- Equipment Tracking
- Communications
- Contractor Documents
Bill & Get Paid According to Percentage Complete

Work in Progress Made Easy

We'll help you take control of your business by implementing & managing a simple work in progress system.

- Have accurate reports & controls (no more feast or famine)
- Manage your cashflow accurately
- Improve surety credit  
- Project expected revenue & estimated costs
- Know how much is yet to be earned an each job
- Know how many months of overhead you can cover with your current job mix
- Identify if jobs are over or under bid, creating cash flow problems
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Take your business to the next level

Improve Credit & Scale

Avoid Debt

AIA & Progress Billing to Manage Cash Flow

Tax Savings

We'll aggressively work to reduce your tax burden

Get the accounting system you need without all the expensive staff & software.

We help small and mid-sized contractors transform into a firm that's profitable and scalable with valuable & simple systems.

AIA Progress Billing Made Simple
Have Perfect Reports for Bonding
Job Schedule & Completions
Real Job Costing & Reporting
Accurate Progress Billing
Cash Flow Controls
Real Construction Tax Planning
Outstanding Backlogs & Ratios
Financials You Can Grow On

“No matter how bad we mess things up, she keeps us on track.”

Peter Hungerford


How to
Lower Your Taxes

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